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me sad coz its only demo 😭i hope this update


I think the game's pretty good so far!! Don't let anyone discourage you of making or continuing this game and future works, you will go far!! ❀️


Im so sorry creator, that previous person was just horrible in the comments. Can't believe the ego and audacity. It's not like you tailored the game for THEM so why are they complaining when they can just play another game? πŸ™„ I wish you all the best and I too hope this didn't discourage you from creating something wonderful! 


I'm really interested but I can't play it from my phone (android) :(


Omg, i loved it already! (also dumb question but how do you use twine?)


I hope the previous commenter hasn't discouraged you from continuing this story—Some people are so.. Incorrigible for a lack of better words. This game has promise, and I'll hope I'll see the day it gets completed<3 

On a side note, If you need a proofreader, I'm nearly always available. And, will you be able to add a dark mode in the future?


Wha-what... That was just the DEMO?? AJBSKWBSKW I love β€œmy” brotherrr 😿😿😭


Gonna wait for more. I love having different interaction as a girl vs boy in a story, since it feels a bit realistic in terms of history. Some authors avoid including things that might offend others but I really love reading those things so I can feel a lot more emotions, anger, sadness, surprise etc. Hope you won't be discourage by others in writing your story. In the end of the day, it is your effort and imagination 😘.


Ruling the kingdom, fuck yeah! πŸ‘‘


Oh i love it already


Just wanted to say, I really liked the screen you get if you get if you choose not to play after seeing the trigger warnings. It was really sweet and supportive , and it made me smile :)


This is amazing so far!

But I have a question: Will you be continuing "Raising The Heroine Right"? I loved that short demo and the ROs were interesting! <3


Thank you very much! I really enjoy it ^^


Thank you! This words means a lot to me. πŸ₯° I'm sorry if my English are not perfect but I'll keep trying my best! 


Your english is good! And the story is really interesting ^^ Thank you very much for sharing with us! 


Then leave.... I don't even get why you keep replying to me. As I have said, if you don't want to play then don't play. It's not like the whole world is ending dude! I'm offensive and horrible alright I am... Would that make you happy now? I guess you are. If you don't have anything to do, I suggest you go read and play games who doesn't offend you so much. The world doesn't only revolve around my game. There are other interesting and beautiful interactive games out there you can play and yet you found mine and have an interest to keep replying to my post even if I clearly laid out a warning before you play the game. I even gave an option not to play it and the only way you can play again is by restarting. So I won't even bother now, dude.. I guess you love badmouthing people so much it's your hobby. You can't even take a hint. :) 


Whatever your going to comment, I won't bother to check anymore. Because I won't waste my time to someone who can't comprehend that this game however offensive it may be doesn't shackle you to the ground to play it. :) If you really hate this game, and hate me so much, then go... Don't reply to this, don't click this game, and don't recommend this or save this game. Because seeing you commenting and replying  means that this game interest you so much you want to point your view and influence me. And yet here I am telling you, that's how the game is to portray the plot. 

Besides, "Too much jealousy is toxic"  which is true because sometimes jealousy makes one people go to desperate means (this is implying one of the bad ending the MC might get) and "we are a certified bitch with a class we don't play like a thot my brad'ah" this is implying to the way the lovers of MC can think when max jealousy meter is reached. I'm not saying the MC can't flirt to hundreds of people. She/He can but not too much which may lead to one of the bad endings. Now, I'll shut my mouth before I get to tell all the plot points in this story :) 

(1 edit) (-37)

I keep trying to fucking help you and all you do is lie, lie, lie, lie. Fuck you. You should be fucking permabanned. Horrible, disgusting excuse for a human. You clearly don't want to become a better person, which is the only thing I have ever tried to make happen.


bro are you doing okay now because this was unhinged


Its not like I want to insult or bash Polyamorous people. What I meant in that quote is that MC should lessen flirting too much, especially if they already choose a lover.  Besides, Inside this game, people are much more discriminating not just in women or men but also in what they choose as a lover. This is what my warning triggers implied. (Gender and age discrimination) This is so I could highlight the old medieval ways of the story in Alvion. This is one of the main plots where MC at a certain age has the power to change history when they become an empress/emperor... That's why I input the other option of not playing it and moving on to the other game. You have an option not to play it, ignore it and even tell it nicely and yet you choose to use words that are not nice in itself.. You don't have to play it if this game is insulting. :)

(1 edit) (-34)

Yeah, I was right, you're an asshole. You don't even realize how horrifically offensive you're being and yet you say I'm the one not being nice as if you didn't start it.


Excuse me, im referring to the constant flirting which may lead to jealousy and not the the MC being toxic. Im sorry if that's what your interpretation about my writing as i have said, its not my main language. Its your choice anyways if you don't want to play, no one is forcing you :) 

(1 edit) (+1)(-28)

No one could possibly interpret what you said in any other way unless they assume you were being sarcastic. It's not ambiguous. If you didn't mean what you said, either you were being sarcastic or you wrote it incorrectly.

The thing you said means "Polyamorous people are toxic because they cause other people to feel jealousy, and jealousy is toxic." It does not mean anything else. If you meant something else by it, your English is too bad to be writing a game in English.

(1 edit) (+1)(-35)

"Remember too much Jealousy is TOXIC! (We are a certified bitch with a class we don't play like a thot my brad'ah)"

...You do realize this makes them toxic, not us? Are you even reading what you yourself are writing?

I don't even need to start playing the game. I know you're an absolute fucking piece of shit asshole.


me when I can’t take a joke 


I think you've forgotten to be humbled. Games aren't tailored for YOU! The creator didn't make this specifically for YOU. If you don't like it, then obviously it wasn't made with you in mind so go find another game to play. It's pathetic to see you bashing the creator who took so much time out of their life to create something. Can you do that?? Can you code?? If so then just make a game yourself, and if not, then shut up and go play something else smhπŸ’€


get outta here bro πŸ˜­πŸ™